For Parents
We know that school lunch is an important topic, and many parents are concerned about what their children are eating.
Arbor’s For Parents is a place where parents can access resources for information on nutrition and school lunch.
Stop back often for news from the USDA, the Illinois State Board of Education, and other dietary information sites.
Does your school district participate in the National School Lunch Program? Click here to learn more: Breakfast | Lunch
Illinois State Board of Education Nutrition Page – See what Illinois requires of school foodservice programs.
USDA Home Page – News from the government on
Midwest Dairy Association – Research and nutrition information for professionals and general public interest.
School Nutrition Association – Nutrition information, food safety, games and fun for the entire family.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – Comprehensive food and nutrition resources, including fact sheets and topics in the news, from registered dietitians.
National Coalition for Food Safe Schools – A one-stop gateway to a wealth of internet-based school food safety information and resources.
Let’s Move – A website dedicated to improving the health and well being of both students and parents.
Choose My Plate – This website offers personalized eating plans and interactive tools to help you plan/assess your food choices based on the dietary guidelines for Americans.
Kids Health – This is the web’s most visited site about child nutrition. It has completely separate sections for parents, kids and teens. The parent section contains articles that provide guidance about how to keep children health and active.